Boma Pop-Up Recap + Night Market Invite

Boma Jewelry celebrated its 40th anniversary back in October by unveiling a unique pop-up shop in Seattle’s Queen Anne neighborhood. The unique space painted entirely in “Boma Blue” showcased the depth of the brand’s assortment from the Treasured Collection designed to celebrate Boma’s AAPI heritage to new collections aimed at raising funds for youth mentorship programs at Step Up.

In addition to the shopping experience, the workshop space set just beyond the retail displays up front offered guests an intimate look into “World of Boma”, specifically the vertical nature of the business and the artisans who make each piece. Visitors got the chance to go behind the scenes of the production process in order to better understand the steps Boma takes to ensure the quality and craftsmanship of each piece. From walls adorned with family photos, to important company memos from the ’90s, and early sketches of original designs, the entire pop-up experience was notably fun and immersive.

During the month of October, Boma Jewelry also made a point of including the community in their birthday celebration. Each Saturday, they hosted a rotating mix of AAPI-owned brands including K Banana, Tokki, Sskein, The Cura Co., and Yobo Soju. They also invited the next generation of sustainable fashion fans to learn more about the science of jewelry at a special “Boma Kids Day” event.

To close out the holiday season and give Seattleites a chance to shop local, Boma Jewelry is hosting one last event on Saturday, December 4 at their pop-up space in Seattle. The Boma Night Market will take place from 4-7 p.m. and feature local food and fashion vendors including Masakan Malaysian Food, Grayseas Pie, Ellenos Yogurt, The Cura Co., Lulumiére, Yobo Soju, and more. The event will also feature 10-minute Tarot card readings with Kat Larson for $25. More info on the event can be found here.

We want to extend a big THANK YOU to everyone who came out this season to celebrate Boma Jewelry’s 40th anniversary with us! We look forward to hosting many more brand experiences in 2022.

Photo credit: Vivian Hsu Photography

Learn more:

Boma Jewelry Treasured Collection

Boma Jewelry Holiday Gift Guides

Boma Kids Day Event

Boma Jewelry partners with Starbucks

Boma Jewelry partners with Step Up

Boma Jewelry announces B Corp Certification